Friday, August 15, 2014

Carla ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_4126rtblog_zps43b91e3c.jpg I just love being invited to my client's private land...and I'm feeling so lucky to live where I certainly adds to the images!  photo webcollage1blog_zpsb7dcdc3c.jpg Carla is a return client...and what a beautiful girl, both inside and out!  photo _MG_4003rtblog_zps3c658a52.jpg  photo _MG_4298blog_zps12094ac0.jpg  photo webcollage2blog_zps79f4e2c6.jpg  photo _MG_4467rtblog_zpse2acf6f9.jpg Oh yes, it's the return of the ugly green chair (I love it)! Carla, thanks for the super fun evening...I will have the rest of your proofs up soon!

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