Friday, August 29, 2014

Taylor ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_8741rtblog_zps0f297bec.jpg More returning clients...and that makes me so happy!  photo _MG_8378rtblog_zps3044d7c1.jpg  photo _MG_8817bwblog_zps25f7b86d.jpg  photo webcollage1blog_zpsd2fc6de4.jpg His mom and I share a love of photography and preserving memories. When I had time to scrapbook I used to buy products from her...that's why it means so much they came to me once again to document another son who is a senior. It just makes my heart happy!  photo _MG_8856rtblog_zpsdf41c2c0.jpg  photo _MG_9071rtblog_zps3e51ad6c.jpg I couldn't believe he laid in this creek for about 5 minutes...he was freezing when he got out! How awesome is that? Thanks for the fun evening...I will have the rest of your proofs up soon!

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