Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Caitlyn ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_0046rtblog_zps8208385e.jpg What a beautiful, fun night! Caitlyn came ready with her puppy, her gun, AND her light saber....just awesome!  photo webcollage2blog_zps23162685.jpg  photo _MG_9462rtcropblog_zpsf5e37d2c.jpg I was certainly glad we had built in extra time for this session....her puppy had too much to explore and kept Caitlyn running after him (sometimes pretty far)!  photo _MG_9902rtblog_zps9b246f1a.jpg  photo webcollage1blog_zps6a116748.jpg  photo _MG_0181rtblog_zps1af61eb9.jpg LOVE this one! Thanks for the fun evening, I will have the rest of your proofs up soon!

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