Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Winter Beauty {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_6667rtblog_zps684eb9b0.jpg Love....I love these clients, I love the beautiful winter day, but mostly I love that my clients knew what they wanted and worked with me to make it happen.  photo webcollage5blog_zpse5261132.jpg Can you say gorgeous? LOVE the cape she had made just for this session!  photo _MG_6758rtblog_zps64b5a9c0.jpg  photo _MG_6660bwblog_zpsf13bb02c.jpg Just wow...  photo webcollage4blog_zpsa7fa7467.jpg Lisa and Savanah, thanks for the fun afternoon...I love working with you both! I will have the rest of your proofs up soon!

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