Friday, September 12, 2014

Brittany ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_9892rtblog_zpsdc64cf8f.jpg Brittany called me about senior pictures and come to find out...I had photographed her relatives wedding 10 years ago...too funny!  photo webcollage2blog_zps3e2ba322.jpg  photo _MG_0118rtblog_zpsa591b71c.jpg Her friend came along for a few pictures...I had a great time with these two!  photo webcollage1blog_zpsf17effe6.jpg  photo _MG_9667bwblog_zps34e40e9a.jpg  photo _MG_0243rtblog_zps58e702c4.jpg LOVED this...especially since I played softball (a long time ago). Brittany thanks for the fun night...I will have the rest of your proofs up soon!

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