Friday, September 12, 2014

Mason ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_9385rtblog_zps3b1cf8ab.jpg  photo _MG_9158rtcropblog_zps232fb36d.jpg It was so nice to photograph a guy who likes to smile! I gravitate towards the more serious images...He tells me he prefers to smile and I still picked more of the serious images. But look at what a nice smile he has!  photo collage1blog_zps2addc538.jpg  photo _MG_9521bwblog_zpsd1b15aa6.jpg This image was just snapped in between what I was really photographing..but it just speaks to me! Also...we have a session with his dirt bike planned soon...I'm sure I'll be sharing a ton of those! Can't wait!

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