Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cute boys {Northeast Wyoming photographer}

 photo _MG_1172rtblog_zps9b866997.jpg This little guy was so good...and adorable! I photographed his big brother when he was 2 (6 years ago now) and so we went out to get some similar images of Gram.  photo _MG_1548rtblog_zps464a32bd.jpg We turned it into a brothers session as well. LOVED the matching shirts and ties! Too cute!  photo webcollage1blog_zps45d9c107.jpg  photo _MG_1567bwblog_zpsca6cb932.jpg  photo _MG_1678rtblog_zpsc6e710a6.jpg  photo webcollage2blog_zps2257283f.jpg  photo _MG_1643rtblog_zpsbdd2bebb.jpg Hahaha....he loves his big brother so much!!!! Thanks for the fun night with your boys Lynley...I will have your proofs up soon!

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