Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Leroy ~ 2015 senior {Northeast Wyoming senior photographer}

 photo _MG_2565rtblog_zps3d84def2.jpg What a great morning going all over beautiful Dayton to take Leroy's senior pictures! It was especially great because he is just like family to us!  photo _MG_2124rtblog_zpsad95816f.jpg Love this!  photo _MG_2131rtblog_zps7435d9b9.jpg  photo wecollage1blog_zps205ef24b.jpg I'm so glad I was able to have another session in the beautiful fall colors before they were gone!  photo _MG_2671bwblog_zpsd4d26a60.jpg Thanks for the fun morning Leroy! I will have your proofs up soon!

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